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ERA Test

There is a certain day interval for the embryo to hold on to the uterus and this is called a settling window. In other words, the embryo cannot settle in the uterus any day, the inner membrane of the uterus called the endometrium must be in a certain day and maturity. If we cannot transfer the embryo to the uterus on the appropriate day, pregnancy will not occur. For this purpose, ERA test is used to determine which day is suitable for transfer in patients with previous failed IVF trials. This test is determined by examining a small piece taken from the uterus 7 days after ovulation cracking hormone elevation and 5 days after ovulation. By looking at 248 genes in the cervical membrane part taken with ERA test, the ideal day for the settlement window is determined. In the next month, embryo transfer is planned in such a way that the pregnancy chance is tried to be increased. Personal embryo settling day is determined. Intrauterine biopsy can be performed under examination conditions or under general anesthesia or mild sedation.