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Exercise, Weight and Infertility

Exercise, Weight and Infertility

Couples who find it difficult to conceive often wonder whether their way of life would endanger their fertility. Weight and exercise are two important factors that can affect fertility. 

Severe  angularity or excessive weight loss can disrupt the secretion of hormones that produce sperm from the brain in women to men in women. GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone) is produced in the part of the brain called the hypothalamus. GnRH stimulates the secretion of gonodotropins called FSH and LH in the pituitary. These hormones are critical for ovo development in women and sperm development in men. Ovulation of these hormones is reduced in women who are extremely weak or weight loss does not occur in women, menstrual periods can be cut irregular or even completely. It can also cause a decrease in sperm count and function in men. If weight loss is found to be the cause of infertility, weight loss should be stopped and the patient should gain weight. Alternatively, fertility can be restored by externally injected gonadotropin injections. However, the use of these drugs can cause laborious, costly and multiple pregnancies.

Likewise, being overweight or obese may cause hormonal imbalances and adversely affect the ovaries in the woman and the testes. Obesity increases with the amount of fat in the body increases the insulin levels in women, and this can lead to increased male hormones in women and stop ovulation. The most effective treatment in this case is weight loss. However, it is not always possible to reach the ideal weight in these patients. Insulin resistance can be broken only in these patients with endocrine specialists, dietitians, psychologists and exercise trainers. For overweight or obese patients who cannot conceive, saying "go lose weight, then come" is an untimely, useless approach, incompatible with reality. These patients definitely need the expert staff mentioned above. Ovulation may be treated with clomiphene citrate or gonadotropin drugs in patients who do not reach the desired level of weight loss. In obese patients, it should be investigated whether pre-pregnancy blood sugar levels are normal and whether the cause of obesity is caused by any metabolic problems. 

Proper exercise and diet is important to maintain your health and weight. However, in women who over-exercise, ovos may adversely be affected in women and sperm production in men. Normal exercise does not adversely affect the fertility of many couples. It is impossible for any individual to know how much exercise can disrupt fertility. Usually running more than 15 - 20 km a week while trying to conceive can be considered excessive. The best way to treat reproductive problems associated with excessive exercise is to reduce or change the amount of exercise.